New feature (3D!) and site updates roundup
New and useful features has been added to over the past months but I haven’t announced any of them before, so with this newest site feature release I’m rounding up the new handy features here in this post.
3D photos

I’ve been taking a few 3D photos in some photoshoots in the past but I’ve never been able to present them in a good way before. Until I found, that is.
Thanks to Phereo’s easy presentation and good sharing capabilities I now have a way of showing off my 3D work!
Due to technical limitations I cannot use the embed function Phereo provide. Instead you will find a link to the 3D photo at under the photo of which there is a 3D version available. See the picture here for instructions. Phereo offers many different ways of viewing 3D photos so choose the one that suits you the best. I use the crosseyed technique when “free viewing” (accessed on Phereo by clicking Parallel and then Swap) or a pair of Cyan-Red anaglyph glasses to properly check the 3D in the photos.
Head over to my latest post Cool and Calm Sinon for some 3D photos! When the scene suits it I will try and shoot some more 3D photos. Older 3D photos will also be added to older posts with time. Just keep an eye out on the social pages/streams for updates on these.
Photo sharing
The popup/zoom when viewing photos (clicking on any photo in a post) has been upgraded. On desktop when hovering your pointer over the photo, or on tablet when tapping the photo, or on smartphone by using the share menu, you can now:
- Share individual photos to social networks or email a link to a friend
- View photos in Fullscreen
- Download/View the photo in a new tab/window
- If the photo is part of an gallery (like the Showroom one) you can view the gallery as a slideshow
The link shared will first take you to the post on this site, then the picture shared will pop up for the visitor.
Other site updates
Other smaller yet significant changes include:
- Other related posts when viewing posts. You will find suggestions below the comments section.
- Showroom photos now link to the posts from which the photo originate (Look in the description of the photo when hovering your pointer over the photo)
- now redirects properly (again)
- Secure connection (HTTPS) is always enabled. (Affected front page login not working properly.) Also updated the SSL version to a more secure one.
- A new fancy silhouette background added
As always, I appreciate any bug reports and suggestions to the site. Enjoy!
The new site features sound great! Good. Good. New blog follower.
Thanks!I do my best to keep my site as modern and rich as possible. 🙂
And right back at you! I’ll follow yours as well. ^^
If you want. And great that you seem to be active on the blog since I was worried that was not the case.
I know how important it is as a reader to feel a more direct connection to the blogger. I check my blog several times a day, and I’m already active on all social media sites, and I greatly enjoyed chatting with people, so much in fact I usually am the one having the last say in the conversation. ^^;
I updated my blog yesterday, so I’m curious as to why you thought I wouldn’t be active though.
That’s great. With that I meant in general with regards to some bloggers who disappear from activity. Sometimes without warning. In this case, not you specifically. Well. I’ll do my best to keep up with your blog through email. But I do apologize in advance if might not read some of your articles since I am really into anime but not all that much in figure collecting. Although you could say I am taking an interest right now.
I try to make my photos interesting even for those who aren’t interested in the figures themselves; my interest lies in making nice photos with a story within it.
I apologize too as I might not read all your articles either since I like to watch anime more than to read about it. ^^
Good! Sounds reasonable to me in every way 🙂