Welcome to Figure.moe!
It is with great joy, a lot of testing of content management systems and some frustration that I finally release my blog to the public! Using the new Top Domain in its name I present to you Figure.moe!
What to expect
This will be a blog mostly where I show off my creative figure photography, but also make reviews, show some anime goods/music and make updates of my own figure collection. I will write the occasional guide/how-to for figure photography. I’ve also attended some conventions and will show a bit of Cosplay as well.
Since this is supposed to be where you can find all my photos, reviews and whatnot in one place I’ll be posting both new and old content. Usually older content has been released on Google+ and doesn’t suit long descriptions, so I will write more about how I did a certain scene, for example.
I already have a few unopened figures waiting for a photoshoot!
Comment and share!

I want to hear what you have to say! Sign up here at the site or use your other logins from other sites to comment and share my work! I can even take requests for photos of certain figures, for example, or if you want to give feedback to me, then contact me using the Contact form!
This site is by no means finished, but all the major functions are working and I’m able to create content the way I want it. I will be updating and adding to the site from time to time.
Staying updated
Get updated on new posts and updates easily by using one or more of the features provided:
- Email subscription
- RSS feed
- Twitter updates
- Google+ updates
I’ve already added content for you to browse through, and will be adding more as soon as I can.
Welcome! And enjoy your stay and check back often!
Welcome to the WWW!
Welcome to MY WWW! ^^
Welcome to the lovely world of figure blogging. Thanks to it I have been able meet lots of cool people hope it is the same for you.
I’ve gone ahead and added you to my blogroll, I look forward to future posts.
Thank you, Miette-chan~ ^^ That’s exactly how we met! I’ve just taken a lot longer to make my own blog.
Thanks a lot! I’ll add yours too~ ^^